Saturday, April 16, 2011

Anyone Can Do This

If you could literally absorb meaning off a page and retain comprehension then movies such as Limitless or Phenomena become quite tangible. Who wouldn't want to be able to consume content from a book in minutes. The key is training your brain to do so. So, if your into exceeding the limits YOU place on yourself. Start by clicking on THIS

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Tonight, when your outside looking at the stars and the supermoon (supermoon tonight btw), know that there are more neurons in your brain than there are stars to look at. Achieve your potential. Have the faith of a mustard seed.

Watch THIS

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Running Barefoot IS... IS... IS... Better Than Shoes

If you haven't read Born To Run yet then do so. Otherwise a website to get you started on rethinking all the lies we've been told all our lives. Read THIS.

My wife and I marathon, triathlon, and have started barefoot training. Now I feel like I'm starting over. I'm starting with a barefoot 5k. Realize your potential as human being. You are more powerful as an individual as you, yourself, can ever imagine. Loose the sneakers. Go barefoot.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Photographer Admits the Truth

The look that photoshop gives celebrities is admittedly impossible to achieve. So, why do we still fall for the lies? Resistance is victory!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Photoshop 2

Looks like "perfection" is only obtainable at the hand of a mouse and software. What was wrong with this girl and the one in the previous post before? Nothing. It's a lie. Don't buy into it anymore.

Thursday, February 24, 2011